
Sunday, May 30, 2004

Greatest Unproduced Screenplay

Here it is, a link to the holy grail of screenwriting. Rumored to be the greatest screenplay ever written, Edward Ford was written by Lem Dobbs, author of The Limey and Steven Soderbergh's Kafka. One of the best things about reading unproduced screenplays is that you get to imagine them yourself instead of seeing how someone else put it together. Since we're discussing story this week, you can get in the proper frame of mind by looking at this.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Guests Welcome

Guests are always welcome at Film Club. As the advisor of film club, I tend to run the evening like a class with lectures and demonstrations. I give assignments and all of that but, at the heart, it's just a group of people who love and want to make movies. So, heck ya, bring him!

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Digital Music Courses at MCC

I forgot to mention the following SUMMER courses at MCC that I strongly recommend! They're being taught by Keith Heffner, a terrific digital music/digital sound editing instructor that we had for one year at MCC. (Unfortunately, SCC has hired him and we'll be losing a really terrific professor.) To look at the lecture sequence and the competencies of the course, click on the course number. Listed here are the enrollment particulars of the courses:

MTC191-2050 -- ELECTRONIC MUSIC I -- (3 Credit Hours)
Location: MU11
Time: MTWR -- 09:10 AM - 11:50 AM
(5 Week Course: 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004)

MUC111-2056 -- DIGITAL AUDIO WORKSTATION I (DAW I) -- (3 Credit Hours)
Location: MU11
Time: MTWR -- 01:30 PM - 05:00 PM (5 Week Course: 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004)
Location: MU11
Time: TR -- 05:45 PM - 10:00 PM (8 Week Course: 06/01/2004 - 07/22/2004)

The first course will teach you to create your own soundtrack using digital music composition tools. The second will teach Pro Tools editing and recording . Take them NOW, if you can! Call Telephone Registration at 480.461.7700.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Film Club Meets Tuesday, 5/24

Reminder ... film club meets tomorrow night (Tuesday) at 7 bells. Tomorrow night's lecture is on digital cinematography and lighting. We're going to make plans for the summer and talk about Film Club. Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Enda Semesta Fiesta Reschedule

The Enda Semesta Fiesta is going to be rescheduled to early June. Check here in a couple of weeks for new details ... We're having to put up another show and get an installation ready for Baltimore, so we're swamped. Tell anyone and everyone you know who might have been planning to come ... they'll be disappointed if they make the long drive north and find no party.

Searchable Sundance

is online and ready to go. So far I've only databased 1986 but the others will be coming online soon. You can find it on CyndiGreening.Com. Now you know what I'm working on.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Goodnight, Irene

Well, we put another semester to bed! I've got one day of finals left and then SUMMER! Michael Dean's presentation in the film class last night was excellent. We all enjoyed the feedback specific to film distribution and self-promotion via press contacts. It was great to hear his experiences. Afterwards, Ross said he was very inspired and realized he could get things going. That was great for me to hear because, of course, I want you guys out there doing things.

Kudos to Completers

Congrats to Jon, Brandon, Ryan, Lindsey, and Carlos! Great job finishing your final films. They were all terrific! I was very impressed with the progress made during the semester! Next year should bring even greater things to MCC!

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Screen Final Films Tonight

Closing ceremonies for Spring'04 Film Class tonight in AC3S. Michael Dean will speak for an hour about his book, $30 Film School. That will be followed by the screening of your final films. I've got a couple of shorts to show and a few announcements about projects for the summer. Hope to see you there with films in hand!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Michael Dean Speaks Tonight

And tomorrow night in class ... don't forget (Gooch) to come to the Outback Theatre at MCC to hear what he has to say. The screening of his DVD begins at 6pm and the talk begins at 7pm. Bring friends!

Friday, May 07, 2004


...to both the speakers on Wednesday night and to Cyndi for bringing all this together. This has been one of the most profitable classes I've taken on any subject.

Looking for Production Money?

Don't forget that Michael Dean is coming next Tuesday! Michael is going to talk about how to get publicity, create a good "buzz" and find money for your performance and visual art projects.

A picture named mdean.jpgAuthor, artist, musician Michael Dean will speak at MCC on May 11 and 12th. He will speak to the public in the Outback Theatre on Tuesday from 7 until 9. On Wednesday, he'll come to our class for a more informal session.

The Tuesday session is open to the public ... the theatre seats 250 so invite your artist, musician and filmmaking friends!

Another Engineer for Filmmaking

The quest for jibs, cranes and dollies is on! I've got Peter and Doug working on pieces. Now, Thanh has joined the fray ... he is borrowing my goofy tape of devices to see if he can get a couple made. This summer should see the start of some great projects!

NewsTeam on the Scene

Yes, thanks to Brandon, taping did occur. I've got to dub it down to video and then you'll be able to come in and see it. You would have loved it Mike ... Paul was from NY, the film was set in NY, the film was shot in NY ... you would have felt right at home. I know you would have asked a million questions. We sure missed you.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Film Speakers Share Valuable Insights

What a GREAT evening! Kohl Glass came and shared his experiences making The Promethean and his winning experiences at Cinequest. Composer Angus McKay talked about the collaborative process.

Paul DeNigris shared his production experience on The Falls (which started filming on September 9, 2001). He gave an excellent demonstration on color correction and digital effects. Since he used Premiere and AfterEffects to edit his fabulous looking film, it made the talk even more valuable for MCC students. He finished up with a great explanation of the film festival, film market and distribution cycle of filmmaking. It was a GREAT, GREAT evening. Thanks and kudos to the filmmakers!

Saturday, May 01, 2004


Congrats and kudos to all of the winners of the MCC 48-Hour Film Festival! It's remarkable and amazing that you all were able to Great work! I hope you will use your funds to ...
It is an honor and a privilege to work with ALL of you. Your dedication and determination is amazing and inspiring to me!

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