
Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Mike: I am thinking this board is ending up being a dialogue between you and me. So, let's use it as a communication channel. Alec is bringing your Steadicam to you at work tonight. He sure is loving his job. Thanks very much for helping him out with it! Keep encouraging him with keeping his grades a priority.

I am thinking that I want to go to Oklahoma over Christmas break and record Henry. He's the expert on the Indian Water Rights and early southwest history (e.g. Pauline and such). Are you up for a one or two day trip to capture that footage? I would like to have a documentary ready for Sundance next October.

Where are you at with the whole Import Intensive thing? Are you just too busy with school and work? I don't have as much energy for that as I do for these other projects. What about you?

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