
Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Out in the Cold

Sorry Gooch, I'm still in Utah, much to my wife's chagrin. I am finishing up Der Ostwind, my last student production, Fisherman and His Wife, an adaptation of the Grimm Bro's fairytale for a children's program that will air on KBYU in a couple of months. I also wrote and will direct a 30 min piece next month that will be used for ESL curriculum (don't hold your breath for that one). I am currently putting together a spec ad in hopes of attracting an agent and I'm writing a feature with two other guys (I'm not slated to direct). And on top of all that I'm trying to do another short (why am I doing this to myself? . . . Oh yeah cause I love it). Somewhere in there we are planning on moving back to Mesa, but it's all very unclear when, probably be before the fall semester. I'll be down in AZ from May 1st to the 9th, I don't know if you guys will still be in class by then or not, but I'll come talk if you are.

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