Thursday, November 25, 2004
Mark Your Calendars, Tell Your Friends
December 6, 2004
Kohl Glass will give a lecture in AC3S on Independent Film Production and the Festival Circuit. As many of you know, Kohl's film, The Promethean has been selected for a number of film festivals and has won several awards (for the film and the actors). His new animated film, DerOstwind is nearing completion and will surely make the festival circuit again. Kohl has insights to share on short filmmaking, getting into festivals and what that means to your career. He's also going to talk about feature film production. While at BYU, Kohl and Chris (his wife), worked on a number of independent features. The producer, director and editor of Napolean Dynamite were at BYU at the same time as Kohl. (He worked on the production of the "extra scene".) He'll share insights on their experiences as well. This talk is the bullet-point list of getting the job done!
Spring 2005
We are currently in negotiations to get Travis Cline to come to MCC and give a Cinematography Workshop. Travis shoots on film and digital formats. He shot The Promethean, Pride & Prejudice and Avernus. We're looking at a late February date. The workshop will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Watch the MCC Film Blog and CyndiGreening.Com for more information.